Sialography Procedures Interpretation And Reporting Service

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We provide interpretation and reporting of sialography procedures (both conventional and CT). Reporting will be done by radiologists specialized in oral and maxillofacial radiology. Reports will be delivered within 24-48 hours.

Sialography is a radiographic examination of the salivary glands and their ducts using contrast media and the image obtained is a sialogram. 

Wherein firstly preliminary radiographs are taken without any contrast media followed by which patients are given some secretory stimulant (lemon wedge) roughly 2 to 3 minutes before injecting contrast media, this opens the duct making it easier to localize them.

Topical anesthetic is then sprayed on the duct orifice and duct is cannulated, (dialator may be required) for injecting contrast media with fluoroscopic guidance. Contrast media is injected manually until patient feels discomfort (1-2 ml). Then the images are taken immediately, thereafter patient is asked to sucks on a lemon wedge again to evacuate contrast. After 5 minutes radiographs are taken again to confirm evacuation of contrast and to address any residual contrast if present.

Depending on the anatomical position of the gland the following radiographs are taken panoramic, lateral oblique, AP or a puffed cheek AP.

Indications for sialography:

  • sialolithiasis
  • Obstruction / Strictures
  • Infection 
  • Pain & Swelling  (when recurrent)
  • Changes secondary to trauma 
  • Masses / Tumors
  • When plain radiography is inconclusive

When a patient complains of acute or chronic pain or a swelling in the glandular region specially while eating or gives history of dry mouth sialography should be considered as can reveal a lot.


Expert team of radiologists

Well qualified and experienced team of dental radiologists from across the globe. 

Quick turnaround time

Reports delivered within 12-24 hours of study upload and order confirmation.

Affordable pricing

Get your dental radiology reports at an affordable pricing without compromising on quality.

Customized service plans

Customozed service plans according to the requirements of each clients.

24/7 service and support

Dedicated support desk to coordinate the reporting and to answer your questions.

Quality control

Standard peer review process - accuracy close to 99.5%.


Years in Service


Dental Radiologists


Regular clients


Reports delivered

Tell us about your requirement

Let us help you get your dental radiology reporting needs fulfilled.

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