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panoramic x-ray

Benefits of Panoramic Dental X-Ray

Larger panoramic X-rays of the skull, in addition to diagnosing the teeth and oral cavity diseases, can prove to be an effective means of detecting the cardiovascular abnormalities and even the cancers. Such X-rays are taken in the standing up…
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digital dentistry

Why Digital Dentistry is Beneficial?

Dentists do not have to be know-how masterminds to acquire the greatest out of digital tackles. Instead of understanding the technology, it ought to be used. It has been stressed that digital dentistry tackles meaningfully decrease treatment preparation time and…
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Patient in for CBCT scan

Carestream’s Cone Beam CT Technology

Carestream is mounting into innovative imaging approaches and Strategic developments in these capacities will be verified at the forthcoming Connotation for Medical Imaging Management symposium on July 19-22. For cone beam CT which is at present experiencing patient studies, a theoretical…
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Radiologist taking patients' dental intraoral X-ray

Planmeca launches ProX dental intraoral X-ray

Planmeca has come with a new technology in the diagnostic field that is an upgraded version of ProX. Planmeca has introduced this upgraded technology to primarily focus on periapical, bitewing and endodontic imaging. New Prox has come up with a modified arm and…
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dental radiography reading

Digital Radiography: A new era in Dental Radiology

Digital radiography plays a vital role in today’s dental practice. It all started in 1987 when the pioneer of this field, also known as RadioVisioGraphy, was launched in the parts of Europe. Dr Francis Mouyen, the inventor of this technique, employed fibre optics…
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dental restoration

Why Old Dental Restorations should be Replaced?

The patients often ask about the replacement of the older restorations. They are always curious whether the fillings are permanent or should they only be replaced if there is any problem regarding the restoration or the related tooth?  The answer to above…
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