Author Archives: admin

dental radiography reading

Digital Radiography: A new era in Dental Radiology

Digital radiography plays a vital role in today’s dental practice. It all started in 1987 when the pioneer of this field, also known as…
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dental restoration

Why Old Dental Restorations should be Replaced?

The patients often ask about the replacement of the older restorations. They are always curious whether the fillings are permanent or should they only…
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dental x-ray reporting by radiologists

The Benefits of Digital Dental X-ray

Exposure to radiation is one of the biggest drawbacks of conventional X-rays which is why people put off a visit to the dentist…
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cbct reporting

The Responsibility of Dentists in Use of CBCT

The research scientists have endeavored to explore the correlation between physical issues and independent image value. They also attempted to assess the differences…
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