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dental x-ray reporting by radiologists

Importance of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in Dentistry

Oral and maxillofacial radiology is a salient part of dentistry that is needed for the diagnosis of oral diseases. An oral and maxillofacial radiologist is specially trained for taking radiographs and interpreting them appropriately for the diagnosis of oral and…
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dental 3d scanner

Dental 3D Scanning – A New Age Revolution

The 3D scanner captures data by projecting light sources onto the object such as teeth, dental arches, and implant and converts them into a 3D digital file also known as CAD files (Computer-Aided Design). The digital output obtained is then…
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oral health tips for festival season

Looking After Your Oral Health in Festival Season

We celebrate festivals all around the year and we all love to enjoy the delicious treats with our family and friends. For most of us, the most tempting part of any festival is food, but in the middle of all…
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dental teleradiology

Is teleradiology reliable when compared with conventional radiology?

When one talks about medical radiology or medical imaging it is always imagined as a process where a radiologist captures an image and does the interpretation. This was true until the 1990s where a conventional or rather a traditional radiology…
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teleradiology benefits

How teleradiology opportunities benefit radiologists?

Teleradiology is the form of radiology practice where medical images are taken at some hospital or a diagnostic center then transferred from that location to another with the help of electronic transmission for interpretation by the radiologists.  Unlike conventional radiology,…
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dental x-ray reporting by radiologists

Future of Dentistry is Digitalization

There is a drastic shift in dentistry towards digitalization. Adoption of this latest form of practice has made it possible for the whole dental fraternity to work more efficiently and at a greater pace. Since the technology is new it…
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